Second set of thumbnails
Top left- Derpy Hooves, This Pegasus appeared in the first episode of MLP being noticed from an animation error that gave her googly eyes and giving her a "derp" expression. A few episodes later she became a muffin addict when she was seen among a group of ponies waiting for muffins. Ever since her debut she's been a "Where's Waldo" for fans to find.
Top right- Vinyl Scratch aka Dj-Pon3, Vinyl Scratch appear in only one episode for eight seconds but was noticed for having a mane different than the other background ponies and shades not seen on any other pony. She got the name Dj-Pon3 in the music video "Equestira Girls" which is a California Girls spoof.
Middle Left- Octavia, This earth pony appeared in the season finale of season 1 playing a cello.
Middle right- Lyra and Bon Bon, these two ponies are usually seen together in the background of episodes. They are used in Bronycon (a convention for bronies) posters.
Bottom left, cutie-mark crusaders- the cutie-mark crusaders are three little fillies working together to figure out their special talent and earn their cutie-mark. The most popularized is the Pegasus, "Scootaloo" being called a chicken in one of the episodes and it stuck with her creating a meme.
Bottom left- Doctor Whooves, this earth pony got his name looking like a ponified version of the main protagonist from the sci-fi TV series "Doctor Who".
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