Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I'd just like to thank some sites that helped me finish my history poster
http://nappykit.deviantart.com/ for letting me use her Bullshifters logo
http://half-life.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page for the Gordon Freeman, Alyx Vance and Chell poses
http://left4dead.wikia.com/wiki/Left_4_Dead_Wiki for the survivors
http://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Main_Page for team RED
Google for the history facts
Valve for making such awesome games
My sister and mother who suggested the layout of the poster
Finally my classmates that gave me a lot of encouragement over the semester and with my projects.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Layout  of my design

1996-Gabe Newell and Mike Harrington leave Microsoft to start “Valve” software.  They hire talented people that create video game mods better than the other companies that own the games.

1998- “Half-Life” is released. It uses a real time story sequence from the perspective of the protagonist, Gordon Freeman. The game wins game of the year and continues to be the biggest selling game of all time.

1999-“Half-Life: Opposing Force” is released taking the Half-Life game from the perspective of Corporal Adrian Shepard. Team Fortress classic is released by fans using mods from Half-Life to creating a team versus team game. It gets so popular that Valve hires the creators and buys the rights to the game.

2000-“Counter Strike” is released by fans using Half-Life mods. It is the most played Half-Life modification.

2001-“Half-Life: Blue Shift” is released taking the game’s perspective of Barney Calhourn, a lowly security guard during Half-Life’s events.

2003-“Day of Defeat” is released. It is a first person shooter game, set in World War II.

2004-After a major hack that delays the release for an entire year, “Half-Life 2” is released.

2005-“Half-Life 2 Lost Coast” is released as a show of Valve’s gaming engine capabilities.

2006-“Half-Life episode 1” is released allowing gamers to continue playing a sequel to Half-Life 2 in segments rather than waiting a few years for a larger game.

2007-“The Orange Box” is released containing the games, “Half-Life 2”, “Episode 1” and “Half-Life episode 2”, “Portal” taking gamers to the same world as Half-Life but this time solving tests with portals as test subject Chell strives for a promised cake at the end. Finally, “Team Fortress 2” is released as a witty sequel to “Team Fortress classic” that later included downloadable hats and weapons for the characters.

2008-“Left 4 Dead” is released taking place in an apocalyptic world where a disease has transformed most of the human population into zombies, as gamers take control of four survivors making their way to a safe haven in a cooperative/versus game.

2009-“Left 4 Dead 2” is released. The game causes an uproar and results in a boycott as it takes place in a completely different setting with different characters than the first. Despite this, Left 4 Dead 2 got more pre-orders than Left 4 Dead. Valve releases DLC’s shortly after the game’s release to show what happens to the original Left 4 Dead survivors in Left 4 Dead 2.

2010-“Alien Swarm” is released taking players into the future fighting against aliens for humanity’s survival.

2011-“Portal 2” is released taking players back to Chell and Aperture Science for more tests and to think with portals once again. Only this time, cake is never mentioned.

2012-“Defense of the Ancients 2” is released. It is a sequel to the real-time strategy mod for “Warcraft III”. Gamers still wait for the promised “Half-Life 2: Episode 3”.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Valve software

Who: Valve is an influential video game company that made the popular franchises Half-life, its sequel and episodes, Portal and Portal 2, Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike, Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2.

Where: In Seattle after Gabe Newell and Mike Harrington broke away from Microsoft to create the company. Hiring computer geniuses that were creating mods for video games better than the companies.

When: Back in the nineties when computer games were developing and were still seen as new technology to now as a huge company with interaction with their fans.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

 added a glow from the explosion, contrasted the bottom letters and I guess I didn't know how to spell 'Therapeutic'

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Forgot about these

Top left- Dj-pon3, Octavia hoof
Top right- Derpy, Doctor hooves
Middle left- Lyra's obsession with human hands while Bon Bon looks in horror
Middle right- Metal Gear Twilight
Bottom-the three Alicorns of Equestria

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Second set of thumbnails
  Top left- Derpy Hooves, This Pegasus appeared in the first episode of MLP being noticed from an animation error that gave her googly eyes and giving her a "derp" expression. A few episodes later she became a muffin addict when she was seen among a group of ponies waiting for muffins. Ever since her debut she's been a "Where's Waldo" for fans to find.
   Top right- Vinyl Scratch aka Dj-Pon3, Vinyl Scratch appear in only one episode for eight seconds but was noticed for having a mane different than the other background ponies and shades not seen on any other pony. She got the name Dj-Pon3 in the music video "Equestira Girls" which is a California Girls spoof.
  Middle Left- Octavia, This earth pony appeared in the season finale of season 1 playing a cello.
 Middle right- Lyra and Bon Bon, these two ponies are usually seen together in the background of episodes. They are used in Bronycon (a convention for bronies) posters.
 Bottom left, cutie-mark crusaders- the cutie-mark crusaders are three little fillies working together to figure out their special talent and earn their cutie-mark. The most popularized is the Pegasus, "Scootaloo" being called a chicken in one of the episodes and it stuck with her creating a meme.
   Bottom left- Doctor Whooves, this earth pony got his name looking like a ponified version of the main protagonist from the sci-fi TV series "Doctor Who".
My stamp designs commemorating the "Brony" movement.
      Top left- Big Macintosh, popularized by his saying, "Eeyup."
         Top right- Rainbow Dash, she said the saying, "20% cooler" in season 1 that is now used in t-shirts
           Middle left- Discord, this was the main villain in the beginning of season 2 that became popular by causing peculiar things to happen.
            Middle right- Daring Do, She appeared in the season 2 episode "Read it and Weep" as a character in a book being the Indiana Jones of ponies
              Bottom- the two sisters, the land of ponies is ruled by two Alicorn sisters one raises the sun and the other brings up the moon.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

                                 These are my favorite stamps
                                  -All are post-modern
                                   -the first one I liked for its color and simple design
                                    The second (Bottom) is a stamps for the movie UP with a simple square shape
                                 The last stamp is a vertical stamp for the movie 101 dalmatians that I had loved as a kid